You may be surprised at some of the items on the list. How does your day compare?

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I'm hoping to cover some questions that are coming from the group. I'm looking to share with you a little bit of teaching and some stuff to think about. And I'm also going to share with you a patient case that just popped up this week. So tonight, I'd like to start off by talking about fats and the role of fats in coronary artery disease, which is really common and people constantly ask me about, "what should I eat, doc and gee, if I've got coronary disease, should I cut down fat or should I increase fat? And what if I'm Keot or what if I'm not? And what if my carbs are down and is olive oil good or avocados good? And so forth.

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New data reveals Tasmanians are not doing enough to get their cholesterol levels in check, with Cardiologist Dr Warrick Bishop warning people about the increased risk of a heart attack or stroke.

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The production of cholesterol within the body is predominantly within the liver. That process has a number of steps and one of the steps that produces cholesterol involves an enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase.

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Cholesterol is a frequently discussed topic. So, is cholesterol 'good or bad', and should we be 'treated for it?' But what is it? Cholesterol is a 'steroid alcohol' and is found in most body tissues

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Of course much is said about diet and what’s right and what’s not. I’m going to suggest there isn’t a perfect diet and I’ll tell you why....... http://www.drwarrickbishop.com/

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Understandably, Dr Bishop is unable to provide individual patient advice over the internet due to the complexity [Read More]

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