
Welcome to Doctor Warrick's Podcast Channel. Warrick is a practicing cardiologist and author with a passion for improving care by helping patients understand their heart health through education. Warrick believes educated patients get the best health care. Discover and understand the latest approaches and technology in heart care and how this might apply to you or someone you love.

In this podcast, Doctor Warrick Bishop interviews Sally-Anne Pisk, the founder of Eating For You, an organization that aims to transform the mindset around healthy eating.

Pisk explains that Eating For You is about finding a way of eating that is healthy, nourishing, and enjoyable. She works predominantly with women who have a good understanding of healthy eating but struggle with making lasting choices due to their thoughts and beliefs about food and themselves. Pisk's approach is based on the practice of mindfulness, which allows people to create space and have a pause before going into autopilot when making food choices. Mindfulness also helps people recognize the choices that support their health goals. Pisk encourages a daily mindfulness or meditation practice as part of the process. She also provides a checklist for emotional eating on the Eating For You website.

Doctor Bishop and Pisk discuss the mechanisms behind comfort eating and how it can be linked to conditioning responses. They also touch on the transmission of eating habits through generations. Pisk's book, Eating For You, was written for everyone, but she predominantly works with women due to the lifestyle and biological experiences they face.

  • Doctor Warrick Bishop is a practicing cardiologist and author who believes that educated patients get the best healthcare.
  • Eating For You is an organization founded by Sally-Anne Prisk that aims to transform the mindset around healthy eating by finding a way of eating that is healthy, nourishing, and enjoyable.
  • The Eating For You approach is based on the practice of mindfulness, which helps to create a habit of being mindful and making choices that last.
  • Comfort eating is often associated with a type of food that has been linked to being comforted, and this association can be formed at any stage in life.
  • Mindfulness creates a break before we go into autopilot, allowing us to create space for a choice and go from a reflex to an opportunity for choice.
  • Mindful eating is a practical way to observe our habits and work out whether they're the best choices for us now and what we can do to actually change our drinking or food choices.
  • Mindfulness allows us to create space, to have a pause before we go into autopilot, into Pavlov's dog type situation.
  • The Eating For You approach is very much based on the practice of mindfulness, which helps to create a habit of being mindful and making choices that last.
  • The Eating For You triggers checklist for emotional eating can be found at eatingchecklist.com.
  • Doctor Warrick Bishop encourages people to enjoy their food and eat mindfully.

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