Coronary heart disease remains the largest killer in the Western World despite significant advances in our understanding, diagnosis and management of the condition. Most importantly, much suffering could be reduced with attention to simple maintenance. So, what can you do to reduce your risk of a heart attack? Read Dr Bishop's article Indeed, what drew me to Dr. Bishop was that he specialises in looking inside the working heart. Using non-invasive imaging technology, he sees inside our coronary arteries to determine just how rusted and encrusted the pipes have become. For you and me, Warrick Bishop’s picture is worth a thousand words. It’s our hearts, the very lifeblood of our earthly existence, he is speaking about in his consulting room and writing about here. In a world of conflicting expert opinion, of contradictory scientific surveys, of fads and fancies and fierce dietary debate, Warrick Bishop is leading us towards some diagnostic certainty. If we know what’s actually happening inside, then we have a basis for remedial action. Charles Wooley, 60 Minutes reporter; from the Foreword, pages 10-11
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