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I believe we can prevent heart attack. We can put in place strategies to reduce risk. We can literally plan to change your future. I call it the Healthy Heart Network.

Welcome to the Healthy Heart Network Live Monthly show. This is part of my involvement in the Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack facebook group. A month ago, I did my first facebook live show and it seemed well-received. People generally left positive remarks and I'm really pleased to say that a number of people left questions, and I'm going to look to address some of those today.

First thing's first. These are completely crazy times that, of course, I couldn't possibly be talking about health-related issues without some recognition of the impact of COVID-19, not only on the health of individuals and families, the lives lost which continues to grow, far more overseas than here in Australia, though, I heard as I drove home today that the 8th fatality from the condition was recorded today. Broader than that, the impact of this particular situation on people's livelihoods because of the economic impact of separation of prevention of spread of this virus has led to extraordinary measures, which I think, in my lifetime and probably many people's lifetimes has been unprecedented, so I know some of you people will have been impacted, either directly or indirectly. I really genuinely send you my warmest wishes and I wish you the strength to get through this process.

It is a very difficult time in terms of your own health. The concepts of isolation really are important. It really does work. It really does need to be taken seriously. If you've got family, friends, or even people who are work colleagues or associates who are not taking it seriously, please remind them that this condition does predominantly affect the elderly in terms of mortality and morbidity, but not in isolation. Young people can die from it. And this is a serious condition. So please, treat it seriously. I know there's hardship all around it, my thoughts are with you and those who you know who have been impacted.

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