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I believe we can prevent heart attack. We can put in place strategies to reduce risk. We can literally plan to change your future. I call it the Healthy Heart Network. Welcome, everybody to this healthy Heart Network Live Show. It's a follow on from questions that have been put in Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack in the Facebook group, and it's really an opportunity for me to share with you guys and hopefully provide some answers to questions and provide a little bit of education in balance. So, what I try and do is a little bit of a case story, a little bit of education, as well. So, I cover both of those tonight. Without further ado. Tonight, we're going to be talking about amyloid, a little bit about amyloid, and we're going to be talking about searching for the truth.

So, Healthy Heart Network is my Facebook group. If you're not a part of it, please feel free to join. It is free. I do speaking to it once a month and I do try to answer questions. This month, Tony has been good enough to fire a few questions at me, and so has Iris. So, a little bit of stuff to answer for them. What I'll start off with is for Iris, who asked a little bit about amyloidosis, because her husband had been diagnosed with it.

Well, very quickly, the case history is of a guy who is in his mid 70s, very fit and well man for his age, hadn't had any problems, really, medically-wise for years. And in the months prior to me seeing him, he had noticed and so had his wife some shortness of breath when he walked out to the letterbox. Now, he went and saw his GP for that, quite reasonably. The GP listened to his chest, got a chest x-ray. There was an impression that this gentleman may well be suffering with a bit of cardiac failure. So, the GP sent him to me. Well, let's call this gentleman, Barry. Barry came along, very well-presented man in his mid 70s, with his wife. He was adamant that he was well, his wife was pretty clear that he was short of breath when he went walking. We did some tests. He's ECG didn't show very much, his rhythm was normal, and we did an ultrasound on his heart to try and look and see how it was working. Well, sure enough, the heart showed a thickened wall, and the heart was stiff, and the heart showed particular characteristics on our ultrasound, which is what we use to look at the heart that made us think that there might be protein, extra protein within the muscle fibre of the heart. That extra protein gets deposited, almost like adding extra fibroids between the actual muscle cells. And so those extra fibroids of protein can make the heart stiffer and not relax as well.

I also touch on:

  • Drug company data is not made available for other researchers to examine, so how is peer review even possible?

  • Drug company-run studies report relative risk but not absolute risk.

  • So, of course, drug companies will show the data in the best light.

  • Harcombe reports absolute risk measurements are non-significant for all statin trials.

  • See my TEDx Talk for more information.

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